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Research subject
Construct Soldering Tool Jig transfer-conveyor
Research institute
Technology-laboratory of JM Telecom(corp.)
It is hard to cycle the preparation, because the working person recollects JIG irregularly and for the line with high productivity, it is hard for the working person to recollect, compare to other line and this causes increase of tiredness of working person and also causes extravagance
Construct the automatic conveyor to minimize the moving distance of working person

Applied technologyAnd improved process

Construct JIG transfer conveyor besides SMT, and if the AOI working person place, then it will reach to the working location of preparation worker through transfer-conveyor
Reduce the number of preparation worker: 0.8 -> 0.5
Decrease the worker¡¯s tiredness by reducing the preparation worker's movement

Expected effect
Reduce the number of preparation worker(0.8 -> 0.5) and this reduces the cost of 24 million per year